Treasurer of Bland County
The elected position of Treasurer was created in the Virginia Constitution of 1870. The Treasurer's independent status as an elected official ensures that local funds will be collected, invested and spent by an officer that reports directly to the people. Virginia's city and county Treasurers are the chief financial officers for their localities, collecting revenues and local fees, and making payments on behalf of the local government. Among other additional duties, the Treasurer is Bland County’s investment officer.
The Treasurer is responsible for collecting all forms of revenue which come into the locality, including:
- Real Estate taxes
- Personal Property Taxes
- Water/Sewer/Trash fees
- Dog tag fees
- Business taxes
- Court, Sheriff, and Clerk fees
The Treasurer's Office also accepts payments for State Income taxes and Estimated State Income payments.
Prepayment plans for County Real Estate and Personal Property taxes are available.
Tax Deadlines and Due Dates
Bland County Personal Property and Real Estate taxes
2024 Tax tickets will be mailed by October 2024 and are due December 5, 2024. If you have not received your tax statements, please contact the Treasurer’s office at 276-688-3741.
- What is the grace period for paying my taxes in full?
- Tax bills are due on the due date, December 5. Our office is bound by the Virginia Code regarding waiving the penalty or interest. The Code was written to ensure fair and equitable treatment for all taxpayers and prevent the Treasurer’s Office from making subjective decisions. Per the Virginia Code, localities do not have the legal authority to waive late payment penalty and interest on past due accounts, except under very strict circumstances as provided in VA Code 58.1-3916. Tax payments sent in the mail must be postmarked by the due date to avoid late payment penalties and interest.
- Tax bills are due on the due date, December 5. Our office is bound by the Virginia Code regarding waiving the penalty or interest. The Code was written to ensure fair and equitable treatment for all taxpayers and prevent the Treasurer’s Office from making subjective decisions. Per the Virginia Code, localities do not have the legal authority to waive late payment penalty and interest on past due accounts, except under very strict circumstances as provided in VA Code 58.1-3916. Tax payments sent in the mail must be postmarked by the due date to avoid late payment penalties and interest.
- Other Delinquent Charges
- Late Payment Penalty – A 5% late payment penalty is applied the day following the due date per VA Code.
- Interest – 10% interest per annum accrues beginning the day following the due date per the VA Code and the first of every month thereafter until paid in full.
Dog Tags
Bland County Dog Tags for 2024 expire on December 31, 2024. 2025 tags will be available beginning November 1, 2024. Dog tags expire December 31st of each year.
Payment Methods and Applicable Fees
The Treasurer’s Office offers the following payment options:
- In Person: Cash, check, money order, credit/debit card (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express) accepted. Check and money order payments should be made payable to the “Treasurer of Bland County”.
- Debit and Credit card transactions: 3% convenience fee (charged by bank)
Drop Boxes: The Treasurer’s Office has two (2) marked and locked Drop Boxes located outside the Treasurer’s Office door (available during normal office hours) and at the Jackson Street entrance to the Courthouse (available 24/7). Payments should be placed in an envelope. Please do not put cash in the drop box.
By Mail: Check or money order payments should be made payable to the “Treasurer of Bland County”. Do not mail cash or credit card information. We also request that you do not staple or paper clip payments.
- By Phone: Credit/debit card (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express) are accepted. A 3% convenience fee is charged on the transaction total. Check payments are not accepted over the phone.
- Debit and Credit Card Transactions: 3% convenience fee
Online: Online payments may be accessed at billpay.bland.org or by clicking the Online Payments link at the top of the page. A 3.5% convenience fee applies.
Tax Payment Plans
How can we help? We understand that difficulties may arise which prevent timely payment of taxes, so we are prepared to review your account(s) and provide the best payment option(s) for you.
Please contact our office at 276-688-3741 to speak with the Treasurer regarding tax payment plan eligibility.
FOIA Request Rights and Responsibilites - click here
Due Date for Taxes