Animal Control & Litter FAQS
Bland County Animal Control answers all calls regarding domesticated animals such as stray animals, animal nuisance calls, livestock, dog(s) chasing livestock, injured animal(s), and others.
Please report any calls of neglect, abuse, and animal welfare issues to the Sheriff’s Office @ 688- 3900. These calls will be turned over to animal control. The calls will be answered, with discretion and as quickly as possible.
When making a complaint or submitting information please give as much information as possible. If you know the owner of the animal please give their name, physical address, and as much information in order to assist the AC officer in handling the call as quickly as possible. All information will be handled confidentially.
Frequently Asked Questions:
I just got a dog(s). When do I need to register him/her in the county by purchasing a dog tag?
How can we find out the dates and times the rabies clinics are being offered?
1. I just got a dog(s). When do I need to register him/her in the county by purchasing a dog tag?
If your dog(s) is four months or older you must register him/her in the county as soon as possible.
2. How do I register my dog(s)?
Take a copy of the current rabies certificate for this dog(s) to the Treasurer’s office located in the court house.
Male and Unsexed is $4.00
Female is $6.00
Kennel is $25.00
3. How often must I register my dog(s)?
Dog(s) must be registered every year. The tags are good from Jan 1st of current year until Dec. 31st of that same year.
4. Is it required for my cat(s) to have rabies vaccinations? Is it required I have my cat(s) registered in the county?
Yes, any cat four months or older is required by law to have a current rabies vaccination.
No, cats are not required to be registered in the county.
5. How can we find out the dates and times the rabies clinics are being offered?
The Bland county Health Dept. works with Dr. Taylor’s office in Wytheville and Dr. Reynolds’ office in Bluefield to offer rabies clinics twice a year in Bland County. Posting of the dates and times can be found in the Bland messenger at least a week prior to the clinics. You may also call Cecil Sink at the health dept. @ 688-4651.
6. Is there a leash law in Bland County?
No, there is no leash law but the county does have an ordinance, Article III 6-66 that prohibits dogs from running at large.
7. Does animal control answer calls concerning wildlife?
Bland County Animal Control is not trained to handle wildlife calls. Animal Control handles calls regarding domestic animals only. All wildlife calls should be made to the sheriff’s office @ (276) 688-4311. They will be able to provide you with a contact number to the office that handles wildlife complaints. Someone there should be able to assist you or answer any questions you may have.
8. Will Animal Control assist with cat issues?
No, we do not pick up cats or assist with cat problems.
9. How do I report litter issues?
Call the sheriff’s Office @ 688- 3900. These complaints will be turned over to the litter officer.