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Press Release - Bland County receives grant funding from Wythe-Bland Foundation
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Bland County is excited to receive notification that it was named as grant recipient from the Wythe-Bland Foundation for two community programs.

The Bland County Sheriff’s Department was awarded $10,200 to purchase twelve (12) automated external defibrillators (AEDs) to be placed in law enforcement vehicles. Law enforcement officials are frequently the first to arrive on the scene of an individual suffering from sudden cardiac arrest. Law enforcement officers are often at county events and having access to an AED in the vehicle provides another level of emergency service to the citizens. “This project originated out of a request to have AEDs available at various county events and polling places,” stated Eric Workman, County Administrator. “We appreciate Sheriff Roseberry and his officers for working with the county on this opportunity.”

Bland County was also awarded grant funding for the Bland County Farmers’ Market in the amount of $4,000. “The Wythe-Bland Foundation has provided the funding needed to cover Farmers’ Market operations for a number of years and Bland County is very appreciative of the Wythe-Bland Foundation for its outstanding leadership and contributions to community programs,” stated Adam Kidd, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. “Without the Wythe-Bland Foundation, many of the programs to improve the health and welfare of citizens and visitors in Bland County would pose a financial challenge.”

